Slow Wine & The Norton Grape

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We are so excited to partner with The Skeleton Root because we admire their commitment to locally acclimated grapes, like Norton. Read what owner Kate wrote (below) about the history of the Ark of Taste Norton Grape; and then get your ticket to Slow Wine, Cheese & Chocolate if you haven’t already!

Norton is a storied American grape that was discovered in Virginia by Dr. Daniel Norton in the early 1820s. Named after Dr. Norton the discovered vines were shared throughout the Midwest and Northeast and ultimately gained wide acclaim in Missouri. Norton wine won the “best red wine of all nations” at the Vienna Worlds Fair in 1873.

Due to the advancement of the temperance movement and prohibition, most vineyards were destroyed and wine fell out of prominence in the US. Present-day Norton is being rediscovered and can be made into high-quality dry red wines that are uniquely American and delicious!  The ticket link is above. Hope to see you there to enjoy lots of treats from our good, clean and fair producers.


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